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Folio Quickstart Guide

Here you can find guidance on how to begin to build a learning module for an online course. Online instruction is typically organized by “learning modules” – individual units of learning that begin with a set of learning objectives and end with assessments to determine how well students meet the objectives. Below you will find guidance on how to begin to build a learning module for an online course.

Select a link for guidance and instructions.

Instruction Through Content

In an asynchronous online classroom, content becomes the first voice of the instructor since it “speaks” for instructors in their absence. Instruction within a learning module typically consists of materials (assigned readings, electronic documents, multimedia presentations) and activities (assigned tasks, discussions, assignments, quizzes). Activities may be graded or ungraded.

Instruction Through Feedback

After students complete and submit evidence of engaging learning materials, online instructors engage students through guidance and feedback to encourage and elicit performance. Feedback may be automated using Folio grading rubrics and standardized quiz question feedback, but personalized responses through email, discussion, and other communication tools helps students feel the instructor is aware of their presence and personal learning paths.

While the use of the Faculty Center’s Folio Course Template is not required, web pages (HTML files) are the most practical and efficient file format to deliver content (text, images, multimedia, and web links) to online students – which is not to say you cannot use other document types (Word, PowerPoint, PDF) for your instruction as well.

Support instruction with any additional files (Word, PowerPoint, PDF) you wish to add to the module. Desire2Learn refers to content as “topics”.

Edit gradebook settings before creating assessments. You can change your settings later if you change your mind.

Download Tutorials:

Watch Video: Understanding Grades

Create a quiz and link it to the gradebook.

Folio rubrics are quite powerful and make the grading process much more efficient. Create an analytic rubric for a discussion activity or an assignment activity.

Download Tutorial: Create an Analytic Rubric

Create a discussion assignment. Add a grading rubric (if desired) and link to the gradebook.

Create a Dropbox assignment. Add a grading rubric (if desired) and link to the gradebook.

Help students navigate Folio with content links to quizzes, discussions, assignment dropboxes, and other tools assigned during your module.

Create a News Item describing what will happen during the learning module.

Create a Calendar Event based on a planned schedule of activities in the module.

Last updated: 11/21/2023