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The Center for Applied Cyber Education is a partner with:

Information Sharing and Analysis Centers

Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center

The mission of the MS-ISAC is to improve the overall cyber security posture of state, local, territory and tribal governments. Collaboration and information sharing among members, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and private sector partners are the keys to success.

National Cyber Education Organizations

National Cyberwatch Center
A consortium of higher education institutions, public and private schools, individual cybersecurity practitioners, businesses, and government agencies focused on collaborative efforts to advance cybersecurity education and strengthen the national cybersecurity workforce.

National Cyber League

The NCL is a defensive and offensive puzzle-based, capture-the-flag style cybersecurity competition. Its virtual training ground helps high school and college students prepare and test themselves against cybersecurity challenges that they will likely face in the workforce. All participants play the games simultaneously during Preseason, Regular Season and Postseason. If you are interested in participating in CTF events with us, contact us today!

Department of Homeland Security Programs

Automated Indicator Sharing (AIS)

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has a new initiative available through the National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) called Automated Indicator Sharing (AIS). AIS is a capability DHS has developed to enable the exchange of cyber threat indicators between private sector entities and government departments and agencies at machine speed, which will allow participants to mitigate cyber threats in near-real-time. Interested organizations will need to agree to a Terms of Use to connect directly to DHS. Download program document here: DHS AIS Summary

Advanced Malware Analysis Center:  The Advanced Malware Analysis Center provides 24/7 dynamic analysis of malicious code. Samples may be submitted online using the “Report Malware” option on

Cyber Security Advisors (CSAs) are regionally-located personnel preparing and protecting critical infrastructure entities and state, local, tribal, and territorial governments from cyber threats.  The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity Advisor (CSA) Program offers cyber- security assistance on a voluntary, no-cost basis to critical infrastructure organizations, to include state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) governments. The CSA Program maintains regional subject matter experts throughout DHS emergency management and protection regions. Regional CSAs cultivate partnerships with participating organizations and initiate information sharing. CSAs introduce organizations to various no-cost DHS cybersecurity products and services, along with other public and private resources, and act as liaisons to other DHS cyber programs and leadership. CSAs also collaborate with local and federal entities to facilitate delivery of cybersecurity services across the United States. Through the CSA Program, your organization can prepare for and protect against cybersecurity threats to critical infrastructure. For inquiries, please contact CACE or reach out to: (CSA Factsheet and  CSA Personnel Map)

Last updated: 2/1/2023